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Augmented Reality, a societal benefit: I want it mainstream!

  • Published: 
  • Author: Ty

Of course, augmented reality is not fully exercised and is only now starting to become a real catch- Snapchat, TikTok and many vine services enable AR at fun levels. We use (I do anyway) to measure (and I still get it wrong), and some use augmented (mixed, extended) reality to real time map on the job. https://isnick.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/public/ML2_Group_01_1200x1200.webp

Magic Leap (2)

My favorite is by far Magic Leap. It's the most logical design besides Google Glass, which was pulled from the market, twice.

Google Glass had an interesting approach, an instrument tethered to the frame instead of being a complete lens, and projected picture onto the user's field of view. It's good to note Google seems to still be working on Glass, despite failed attempts. And they're making it a see-through experience. I also signed up to be a tester, but was not selected - go figure, you think a visually impaired tester would be great!

But I had to say all of that to say this; I personally feel more solutions similar to Magic Leap are going to become more mainstream. Meta's Quest, although I'm not a total fan of, has secured its place as it IS a useful device. It IS still virtual reality, however, and [I feel] Meta knows augmented reality is still too early for mainstream - Apple tried anyway, and I'm glad they did. Having Apple take a swing at AR is what I wanted to see from the designer brand - How do they do it?

Eric Schmidt on 5-year plans


For a too long, didn't read: Schmidt basically says the users should be teaching you how to design a product.

This interview with Schmidt addresses business strategy, and every minute is advice I feel I should have paid for. If enough businesses try this with AR or extended reality (XR) every so often, as now there are way more users on the Internet, I believe it'd be easier and it is getting easier to learn how they (the users) really want to use augmented, and extended reality in general.

Internet in 2015 was slow compared to today's standards. Data for companies moved slowly

AR usage, in my case is not high, but categorized in a way to help me with daily, fundamental tasks. In fact, it's not even AR - it's a camera with a bit of artificial intelligence built in.

  • Groceries
  • Museums
  • Mail
  • Camping

The applications for artificial intelligence are in place, and now with AR becoming more attainable, I can see us mashing them together.

I want for mainstream:

  • AI to help with daily shopping, such as groceries
  • An AR screen to manually address trivial tasks
  • Privacy aware

Apple Intelligence and privacy...

So, for the most part I've used iOS, or iPhone for several years, likely almost 10 now and for those being consecutitively

It is still so expensive

The issue - at any angle - with these AR solutions is the price. Magic Leap is listed above one thousand dollars, and Google Glass' entry point wasn't too economical.

I suppose if I made high returns, any of these devices, including Microsoft HoloLens would be a natural extension of my cyborg self. Yes, we're cyborgs as a substantial portion of us, at least in the US are attached to our smartphones and tablets - and any other medium which is accessible on one or more mobile platforms.


My biggest questions in regard to this post is, how do we make this a bit more affordable, and can we keep it privacy aware?
