Current events: P. Diddy’s sex trafficking trial, May 5

Current events: P. Diddy’s sex trafficking trial, May 5

If only we knew how celebs really are. It’s important to note they are human as anyone else, and will make terrible choices JUST LIKE any other person. We’d like to believe they’d make good choices due to their status, but no – sometimes they use their position to do worse, and behind as many closed doors as possible.

Now understanding Diddy’s alleged History and “party habits,” the videos with Justin Bieber suspicious in itself.

To the trial, though:

Combs, 54, has pleaded not guilty to racketeering conspiracy and sex trafficking charges alleging he coerced and abused women for years with help from a network of associates and employees while silencing victims through blackmail and violence, including kidnapping, arson and physical beatings.

Johnson reasserted that the indictment could be updated to add charges or defendants.

Combs, wearing a beige jail jumpsuit, was more engaged and animated during Thursday’s hearing than he had been at two earlier court appearances. When he entered the courtroom, he gave a hearty hug to each of his lawyers and smiled as he spoke with them.

During the proceeding, he turned to attorney Anthony Ricco and whispered in his ear, as Johnson spoke about electronic materials seized from his residences and from him during his arrest.

Ricco said outside the courthouse afterward that Combs is making the best of a difficult situation.

“Dr. King called it the law of unintended consequences,” he said, referring to civil rights leader Martin Luther King. “Sometimes the more you push a person down, the stronger they get.”

Johnson said 96 electronic devices were seized in raids in March on Combs’ residences in Miami and Los Angeles and at an unspecified private airport in Florida. She said another four devices were seized when Combs was arrested last month. —AP

So, Mr. Combs will remain in jail until then.

Meanwhile, Justin Timberlake’s DWI/DUI charge was dropped, in case you missed this.